leslie gabriel art


Simplicity Color Abstraction

I seek simplicity — defend it, and embrace it in everything I do.

I love color. It fires my imagination to sculpt with texture and play with bold strokes to craft a unique statement.

Yet it is the ambiguity of abstraction that truly delights me. Through my oil pastel work I strive to harness the beautiful energy of nature as it manifests in big open skies and endless ocean waters.

I work intuitively, trusting the message of each intimate painting will reveal itself uniquely to the observer.


At this moment in my life, I'm fortunate to have the time and support of family and friends which allow me to return to my roots. I have served several years as art director for many corporate clients. Now it’s time to resume my journey as a fine artist.

My original inspiration came from Joseph Turner, an English romantic painter. In his search for greater subjective affects, Turner turned his back on the tradition of detailed rendering and static scenes embraced by his peers and generations of previous masters. Instead he created effects designed to render perceptions from closely observed nature. His unique contribution gifted us with  swirling clouds of varied light and bold
arrays of color dabbed in oil.

As with Turner, my work is not static. It continues to evolve as I explore the infinite world of abstract.